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(425) 280-1968

AAF Seattle is the Western Washington chapter of the American Advertising Federation, serving Seattle's creative community through events, education and advocacy.

After Hours: Vitamin T

Events Calendar

Agency people may be a lot of fun but they're also professional. So are our regular events, ranging from panels of our industry’s best discussing hot topics to casual after-hours mixers where we basically goof off while we network.

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After Hours: Vitamin T

  • Aquent/Vitamin T 1109 North 36th Street, Suite A Seattle, WA, 98103 United States (map)

We've made it through a long winter and a lot of industry events since our last After Hours, but the wait is over. It's time for the kind of fun that ad industry parties are known for. Your $5 ticket includes beer, wine, and apps.

After Hours is a series of casual, social mixers hosted by AAF Seattle corporate member agencies. It's a great chance to enjoy a drink, network with new associates and hang with old ones in a fun environment. It's also an opportunity for the hosting agency to show off a little about what makes it special. 

Inspired by the boat traffic on the nearby Fremont cut, host Vitamin T will be will be adding a nautical theme to this event.

So pop in after work and make up an excuse to stay longer.

About Vitamin T

We have a simple philosophy at Vitamin T: to personally place the best creative talent in the best jobs for the best companies. Since we’re massively nerdy fans of creative, this sort of thing comes naturally to us, which means as a client, you get hand-picked talent perfectly suited to your job, and as talent, you get freelance work that doesn’t make you want to wash your eyes out with hand sanitizer. Win-win!

Vitamin T is a division of Aquent. Visit us at

Graphic Design, Web Design, User experience, Front end development, Creative, Copywriting, Staffing, Marketing, Digital Marketing, Social Media, UX, and UI


Use #AAFterHours to add your tweets, pics and vids to our social stream.

Check out Vitamin T on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn.