These are the up-and-comers in the club. The dreamers who do. The ones to watch.
We talk big about our plans and dreams, but who makes this all actually happen? Who spends their time helping at events instead of drinking at them? Our amazing volunteers. (And who are we kidding, they drink anyway—and we want them to). These industrious souls bring heart and sweat and smiles to every event we produce, and they deserve our thanks.
They Do It Because They Care
So at the next club function don’t just thank them, ask them about where they want to go in this business. Because right in front of you is someone who’s already showing you they understand what it takes to make it. Who needs a LinkedIn search?
Raise Your Hand
Volunteering is a great way to get to know more about AAF Seattle. If you want to help out we don't ask much. Sure, we'll take all you want to give, and if that's just a little here and there, that's fine with us, too. We know you've got a life even while you're working for a better one.