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United States

(425) 280-1968

AAF Seattle is the Western Washington chapter of the American Advertising Federation, serving Seattle's creative community through events, education and advocacy.

2016 American Advertising Awards Seattle

Events Calendar

Agency people may be a lot of fun but they're also professional. So are our regular events, ranging from panels of our industry’s best discussing hot topics to casual after-hours mixers where we basically goof off while we network.

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2016 American Advertising Awards Seattle

This event is kind of a big deal. And I'm guessing you're kind of a big deal. So mark this date down as a must-attend

Tickets are now on sale! And, in fact, tickets are selling so well we don't know how long they'll be available, so snap 'em up now when you have the chance! 

Bell Harbor Conference and Events Center

International Promenade
2211 Alaskan Way, Pier 66
Seattle, WA 98121

Hosted by Fred Northup

Thursday, March 24

5:30–7:00 PM | Reception and Winners Gallery Viewing
7:00–9:00 PM | Awards Show
9:00–10:00 PM | After Party

We will have a live social feed thanks to Seattle’s own Tagboard.

Use hashtag #seattleaddys to join the conversation!