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(425) 280-1968

AAF Seattle is the Western Washington chapter of the American Advertising Federation, serving Seattle's creative community through events, education and advocacy.

Gallery Night Presented by Vitamin T

Events Calendar

Agency people may be a lot of fun but they're also professional. So are our regular events, ranging from panels of our industry’s best discussing hot topics to casual after-hours mixers where we basically goof off while we network.

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Gallery Night Presented by Vitamin T

A lot of great work is entered into the Seattle American Advertising Awards every year, and while (as the name implies), awards are garnered and praise is doled to selected pieces, the rest of the entries are left behind, without much exposure.

But not this year.

This year we're going to have a party to celebrate all of the entries. There will be a chance to see more inspired (and inspiring) work than you can shake a stick at... and there just might be alcohol involved, too. It's your call whether you use the two drink tickets you get or not. Tickets are available now!

This is also where the People's Choice Award voting takes place. The results will be revealed at the ADDY Awards Show on March 24 along with the rest of the winners.


Fred Wildlife Refuge
127 Boylston Ave E
Seattle, WA 98102
Enter on Belmont Ave E


$25 for members
$35 for non-members
$45 door
Tickets include two free drink tickets and light food. Cash bar available, coat check $1.

Get your tickets right this very moment by clicking on this very link.