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(425) 280-1968

AAF Seattle is the Western Washington chapter of the American Advertising Federation, serving Seattle's creative community through events, education and advocacy.

Chalk Talk: Super Bowl 55 Ad Review

Events Calendar

Agency people may be a lot of fun but they're also professional. So are our regular events, ranging from panels of our industry’s best discussing hot topics to casual after-hours mixers where we basically goof off while we network.

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Chalk Talk: Super Bowl 55 Ad Review

Hot Takes Inbound

The Super Bowl is advertising’s big day.

Sure, the biggest budgets are on display in all their majesty.

But honestly, it’s when we all have free reign to do what we do best: offer opinions.

We’ve gathered some super smart people from across the country to share theirs in our annual Chalk Talk Super Bowl Ad Review panel event.

The bonus is the audience gets a say, too. We’ll be bringing hand raisers onto our virtual stage to spout off in this highly interactive session.

Chalk Talk is our most engaging event of the year, so start making notes and reserve your spot today.

The Talent

The Social

  • Tweet your opinions about the ads during and after the game using #AAFChalkTalk

  • RSVP on Facebook and LinkedIn and invite your friends

The Tickets

Earlier Event: December 17
2020 ADDY Winners: How They Did It