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(425) 280-1968

AAF Seattle is the Western Washington chapter of the American Advertising Federation, serving Seattle's creative community through events, education and advocacy.

The 2021 American Advertising Awards Seattle

Events Calendar

Agency people may be a lot of fun but they're also professional. So are our regular events, ranging from panels of our industry’s best discussing hot topics to casual after-hours mixers where we basically goof off while we network.

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The 2021 American Advertising Awards Seattle

2021 ADDYs - Better Days 2.003.jpeg

As much as 2020 brought us down, tested us, and even took from us, we had a place of solace and hope: our creativity.

This year's awards gala celebrates our best work in the face of our challenges. We find inspiration in our peers' optimism and in our enduring creative spirit.

AAF Seattle will recognize this year's winners via livestream, sharing all we would in our usual IRL show:

  • ADDY winner reels

  • AAF Silver Medal

  • Judges' Choice

  • Mosaic Award

  • Best of Show

  • People's Choice - LIVE! Powered by Thece

  • And a few surprises…

We won't be sharing tables together but at least we'll be sharing the same experience.

Hang Out, Virtually

Socialize in our virtual event space after the awards through video chat and spatial audio.

That’s our nerdy way of saying you can flit around a room and have spontaneous conversations with other attendees, face to face, just like in real life.

This ain’t no Zoom!

Pay What You Can

This year's gala is being offered in pay-what-you-can pricing to help more people be able to attend, with free tickets paired with an optional donation.

While the award series is our main source of funding and we do have costs, income disparity is real, especially during COVID-19 measures, so it is important to AAF Seattle to help however we can.

The Social

  • Use the event chat to congratulate winners - and take a little spotlight for yourself

  • Use #SeattleADDYs to add your post to our event stream

  • Check #SeattleADDYWinner on Instagram to get a peek at the winners' acceptance videos

  • RSVP on LinkedIn and invite your friends so they can finally understand what you actually do

We will be providing ASL translators on screen for the duration of the show.

Celebrate Like It Matters

At this point in WFH culture, it's safe to say a lot of us will be trading suits for sweats to watch this year's gala.

So we've partnered with Intentionalist to offer a Celebration Box to go along with a cozy CFH (celebrate-from-home) experience, curated from local, BIPOC-owned, small businesses: Boon Boona, Off The Rez, and Black Magic Sweets

And to make it more accessible, AAF Seattle is picking up the tab for shipping and fees, and is taking no cut of the revenue.

Orders have closed but we want to thank the Intentionalist team for their awesome work!

The Tickets

The Sponsors